6 Bears and A Goat Brewing Company
Lunch and Brewery Tour
Beer, Beer, Beer, YUM, Beer, Beer, Beer, YUM, Beer, Beer, Beer
What: Private Lunch & Brewery Tour Where: 1140 International Pkwy Fredericksburg, VA 22406
When: November 3, 2021 / 11am - 3pm Cost: $12 per person for members $13.50 for Non-Members RSVP and Pay NOW EXTENDED TO: October 31, 2021 Please come and enjoy a lovey lunch on the private patio (or room if it's cold and rainy) we have reserved just for QSSC! A brewery tour is also included! Please visit the 6 Bears and Goat Website to review the menu so you can see what type of food you will want to order. Lunch is on you, but the private patio or room is on QSSC. Being able to all sit together and get to know one another is so much better than having to show up and "try" and find a seat, don't you think! We're looking forward to seeing all of you on 3 November!!
What if I have to cancel my reservation? IMPORTANT THINGS TO KNOW! 100% of your registration fee is refundable if you cancel prior to the RSVP date listed above. AFTER the RSVP date has past, money (if paid event) cannot be refunded. Please email the QSSC Reservations Chair immediately upon finding out that you have to cancel your reservation (regardless if it's a paid or unpaid event). Thank you.
Age Restrictions / Babes In Arms: Please be aware that some events will have different policies and will be listed as such. Quantico Spouses' Social Club guest policy is age 18 or older, Children considered "Babes in Arms" are permitted i.e. infants. “THIS EVENT IS NOT AN OFFICIAL EVENT OF, AND IS NOT ENDORSED OR SPONSORED BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS, OR MARINE CORPS INSTALLATIONS NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION-MARINE CORPS BASE QUANTICO.”
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